


Noninvasive assessment of skin lesions, especially of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), has benefited more recently from the use of optical imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM). While RCM provides submicron scale resolution and thus enables identification of skin morphological changes of the skin, with the downside of limited penetration depth, OCT imaging of the same lesion brings the benefit of better resolving its depth of invasion. OCT and RCM can be used either individually or combined within the same instrument for the noninvasive diagnosis of nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs). Their combined use has shown to provide certain benefits such as better characterization of the lesion's margins, both in depth and laterally, as well as improved sensitivity and specificity, as previously demonstrated by our team. In this article we report a new “fiber-based” implementation of the second-generation RCM-OCT hand-held probe. The fiber-based implementation of both imaging modalities enabled the construction of a smaller footprint/lower weight hand-held probe. Its preliminary evaluation on the skin of healthy volunteers is reported here, demonstrating improved capabilities for resolving sub-cellular structures and image skin morphology with micron-scale resolution to a higher depth than in the previous implementation, while also enabling the construction of angiography maps showing vascular remodeling.

© 2022 Physical Sciences Inc. Translational Biophotonics published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.

Press Release

Press Release

Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) has received a research program from the U.S. Air Force to develop a bench level atmospheric and laser guide star (LGS) simulator for characterizing adaptive optics (AO) components.

As larger astronomical observatories are developed, their designs rely on new laser guide star and related adaptive optical technologies. PSI’s advanced laser source and atmosphere simulator will be a critical tool for ground-based testing of candidate technologies in the design and testing of these advanced observatories for object observation and tracking, as well as optical communications.

The growing number of objects, both active satellites and debris, in orbit around the Earth are placing a greater need on increased space situational awareness. Both national and commercial entities are appearing to fill this need. Increased awareness will require enhanced networks of ground based optical sensors. These sensors will need to be designed for ruggedness in the field and affordability. PSI’s advanced laser source and atmosphere simulator will be a useful tool in the design and testing of such optical sensors.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Joel Hensley
Vice President, Photonics
Physical Sciences Inc.
Telephone: (978) 689-0003