Key Features: PSI’s scramjet assembly architecture makes use of several critical technologies to bring huge benefit to engine manufacturers:
- Use of additive manufacturing allows for construction of scramjet segments of arbitrary complexity with rapid-redesign capability for updates, rework, incorporation of new components
- PSI’s advanced additive manufacturing capabilities, developed internally on our SLM125, enable finer feature resolution for small-scale, internal passages used to improve thermal dissipation and regenerative cooling capabilities
- Robust joining architecture allows for high-pressure seal in multi-part assemblies to be created; overall scramjet ducts may comprise of separately-made, inspectable pieces
Benefits: As competition with adversaries has increased, the need for hypersonics weapons has emerged as a top DoD priority. Hypersonic platforms are a pillar of DoD offensive strategy over the next ten years and advances in materials and manufacturing methods are one of the key technologies to expedite their availability. Next generation scramjet platforms will need to operate at increased Mach speed and endure long-duration hypersonic flight. PSI’s AM scramjet technology allows for enhanced design and the use of novel materials required to overcome the associated thermal management challenges. These benefits bring scramjets engines one step closer to finding wide-spread deployment for DoD needs.