PSI utilizes its FAST™ laser detonation technology to produce a high flux/fluence beam of 5 eV atomic oxygen (AO) to measure the erosion rate of materials under consideration for use in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The FAST™ source is recognized as the gold standard in testing materials for erosion by 5 eV AO encountered in LEO. FAST™ provides accelerated testing/qualification of materials with 1 day of testing providing up to the equivalent of the AO fluence experienced in 140 days at the International Space Station (ISS: 400 km altitude). PSI provides quotes for AO testing based upon the quantity and size of test articles, which determines the needed exposure area (100 – 2000 cm2), and the required AO fluence. Typically the specified AO fluence ranges from 2×1020 to 2.5×1021 AO/cm2 corresponding to ~ 1 month to 1 year at the ISS.