Careers > Why PSI?

Why PSI?

The freedom to innovate, the capacity to deliver.

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For over 50 years, our employee-owners have been inventing, demonstrating, and translating technology solutions to problems of national interest, including applications to defense & security, healthcare, climate change, environmental stewardship, and selected industrial applications. Solutions are driven from the bottom up and nurtured through our substantial physical, intellectual, and experiential infrastructure.

You’ll join a team of talented engineers and scientists with deep capabilities across an amazing range of disciplines and application environments. The arc of your career: what technologies you innovate, where in the arc of invention to deployment you excel, and how you engage with the external ecosystem of Science and Technology innovation is up to you. We’ll help you figure out what works for you and how to achieve your goals.

Research driven work that matters

At PSI you will work with committed people who are excited about the challenges of their work and the benefit it provides to the nation. Employees have a great deal of freedom to pursue research in a broad range of technical areas on important problems for government and industry. Their efforts will be backed by an organization with the facilities and support personnel to achieve your objectives. Your professional reputation and career growth will be enhanced through participation in conferences, customer presentations, journal publications, and patents. You will have the flexibility to manage your work and personal life in a manner that respects your commitments to both your family and your coworkers. The Boston area is one of the best areas to live in the US with one of the largest concentrations of colleges and universities in the world, local school systems that rank amongst the highest performing in the country, championship caliber professional sports teams, and easy access to beaches, mountains, and cultural activities.

I’m so excited to see where the new sensing technologies I’m helping to develop will have an impact

Libby Schundler, Principal Research Scientist

Join the PSI Team

Drive the coolest technologies for applications that matter
