Press Releases > UAV-Portable HPM C-UAS Device

UAV-Portable HPM C-UAS Device

Press Release

Press Release

Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) has been awarded a program from the U.S. Air Force to develop a capability to produce a low-cost, UAV-portable high-power microwave (HPM) weapon for C-UAS.

Small-Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) operated by the enemy present an immediate threat to Air Force (AF) installments, potentially leading to flight interruptions, enemy gathering of real-time intelligence, and payload delivery of weapons. The AF needs systems to protect against this emerging threat.
PSI will integrate its previously developed Portable High-Power Microwave Disabler (PHPMD) onto an octocopter drone platform to create a counter-electronic weapon capable of incremental HPM effects (i.e. high-power jamming, power-down, permanent-shutdown) against COTS quadcopters. This will provide the AF and the DoD with a new capability to quickly and cheaply deploy C-UAS systems at forward Air Bases to defend the warfighter against sUAS threat.

PSI’s solution provides substantial benefits in SWAP-C compared to previous efforts, in part because it has been optimized for the highest RF power-density in the smallest form-factor, through the use of novel materials and custom electronics utilizing COTS components. This source solution could potentially be scaled and power combined for numerous classes of targets of both the military and government agencies. Additionally, commercial high-value assets that require C-UAS include: airports, data centers, prisons, sports venues, amusement parks, utilities, chemical mfg. facilities, oil/gas facilities, and universities.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Sean Torrez
Area Manager, Deployable Technologies
Physical Sciences Inc.
Telephone: (978) 689-0003