Press Releases > Event-Camera-Based Optical Turbulence Compensation

Event-Camera-Based Optical Turbulence Compensation

Press Release

Press Release

Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) has been awarded a research program from the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop a sensor and software to provide real-time correction of optical-turbulence-induced distortion in video imagery and enable reduction of optical-turbulence-induced laser beam spread.

PSI’s sensor will enable distortion correction of video imagery at >1 kHz update rate without the use of adaptive optics or processing of multi-image sequences. The sensor may be converted to a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with equal or greater response bandwidth. This innovation addresses DOE’s objective to increase standoff range and minimize measurement noise in remote sensing applications by exploiting edge sensing.

PSI’s sensor will be used in conjunction with an imaging sensor or laser-based illumination system to improve the spatial resolution of imagery and to enable laser illumination systems to deliver more power on target. Applications of the sensor include:
• Image quality enhancement of airborne surveillance imagery
• Image quality enhancement of ground-level tactical, ship-board and surveillance imagery
• Increase energy on target for laser designators and high-power laser weapons.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Chris Gittins
Group Leader, Marine Technologies
Physical Sciences Inc.
Telephone: (978) 689-0003