Press Releases > HTBP Predictive Model Development for Rocket Motors

HTBP Predictive Model Development for Rocket Motors

Press Release

Press Release

Physical Sciences Inc. and their university partner propose to develop a chemical model that accurately predicts the performance of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) polymer commonly used as a propellant binder in rocket motors. The model will utilize chemical and physical data from HTPB feedstock to predict propellant cure kinetics, mechanical properties, and aging performance. The model will incorporate an algorithm with the capability to provide formulation recommendations to achieve cured propellants with precise performance specifications.  In Phase I, PSI conducted a Design Of Experiments (DOE) by independently modifying the chemical functionalities on HTPB while collecting curing and performance data.  This comprehensive data set was used to determine statistically significant associations that correlate HTPB chemical variables with gumstock performance properties. The DOE results gathered in Phase I will be used to build and validate a predictive software model in Phase II. This HTPB predictive algorithm will serve as a tool that will enable formulators to adjust propellant formulation parameters to achieve performance properties without the schedule and cost risks associated with rework.  Successful development of the proposed HTPB predictive algorithm will provide the Navy with a critical technology that reduces costs and risks throughout the DoD tactical missile supply chain. 

For more information contact:

Dr. Colin Hessel
Group Leader, Advanced Interfacial Materials
Physical Sciences Inc.
Office: (978) 689-0003

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship:  This work is supported under a contract with the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAVAIR). This support does not constitute an express or implied endorsement on the part of the Government.