Careers > Preparing for an Interview

Preparing for an Interview

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At PSI we hire people for a career. Our job postings are designed to attract applicants with skill sets that will be valued well beyond any single program. When you submit your resume to PSI it will be reviewed by leaders of our technical staff with a full understanding of our current program needs, the desired direction of our customer base, and an understanding of future trends and opportunities in breakthrough technologies.

For desirable applicants our interview process begins with a one-hour informal interview conducted at one of our facilities or via telephone or video conference. You will speak with key members of our technical staff in order for us to understand better how you might grow in our organization. Those candidates that we think could thrive in our environment will be invited for a full day series of interviews as well as be asked to present a seminar to the staff.

In preparing your resume, and in speaking to our staff, understand that we value:

  • Accomplishment over Process. Be prepared to explain to us results of your previous work and how that work contributed to the field or addressed a problem of importance.
  • Intrinsic Motivation and Intellectual Curiosity. We want to know about the next thing you want to accomplish in your career and how that will make a difference in your chosen field of expertise.
  • Communication Skills. Conference presentations, journal publications, customer briefings and reports, and proposal development are all critical elements in a professional technical career. Your interview seminar should clearly communicate your ability to address the key elements necessary for any successful R&D project including problem definition, data acquisition and analysis, conclusions and definition of future work.

Throughout the interview process our staff will be trying to understand how you would grow in our entire organization, not just fit into a job slot. If the fit is right, you’ll be offered an opportunity to join one of the most successful R&D organizations in the country.

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