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High Spatiotemporal Resolution Brain Imager

High Speed Fluorescence Neural Imaging

Enables optical recording of action potentials from individual neurons and sub-neuron structures

The high spatiotemporal resolution brain imager enables voltage-sensitive fluorescence imaging of neuronal action potentials with sub-micron spatial and sub-millisecond temporal details. This technology uses an innovative active-sensing approach and two complementary detection channels to achieve high spatiotemporal resolution neural imaging with high signal to noise ratio, but without saving an overwhelmingly large amount of data by only recording a number of regions of interest (ROIs) that have neuronal activities. The device is compatible with various imaging platforms including standard microscopes and animal head-mounted imagers. A broad range of excitation/emission wavelengths are available upon customer request.

Key Features

  • Fluorescence sub-cellular imaging of neurons and recording of action potentials with sub-millisecond temporal resolution
  • Simultaneous imaging of multiple ROIs using active-sensing approach
  • Significantly reduced cell photodamage
  • High spatiotemporal resolution recording with reduced data size
  • Real time display of neuronal dynamics on GUI software


  •   Spatial resolution: < 0.5 µm
  • Temporal resolution: 0.05 ms /ROI
  • Number of high-speed imaging ROIs: 16
  • Detection sensitivity: < 1% ΔF/F
  • Compatibility: Infinity-corrected imaging devices
First-generation prototype design and recording of multiple ROIs

First-generation prototype design and recording of multiple ROIs

Benefits to Customer

The high spatiotemporal brain imager will enable fast neuron action potential recording at the sub-cellular level. Neuroscientists do not need to sacrifice either temporal or spatial resolution to observe neuronal behaviors.

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